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Andrew L – CFII

Andrew L – CFII

CFII practical test with Joe Justice 10/07/19 Once I arrived we began the oral portion with verifying certificates, ID, medical, knowledge test, payment for the check ride ($600) and IACRA. He then briefly went over CFII PTS and made sure and emphasized about positive exchange of flight controls.

Joe proceed to ask about my written, once he was settled in he had me teach the Magnetic compass to cover the technical subject areas Task A aircraft flight instrument and Navigation Equipment as this was the question I missed on my written. I went over the compass and how it works, went on to explain how VDMONA affects the compass.

Also covered UNOS in the compass errors. He talked about some errors I made during my lesson make sure I knew what I did not explain clearly. We then went on to talk/discuss about regulations for IR student.

More towards 61.57(c) he did not have any issues on how I explained 6-HIT. Joe asked more about regs in part 91 section. We went over 91.167 & 91.171 and asked about which check is the most unreliable and why.

We moved on to IFR flight planning. How would I plan with a student, Starting at your destination airport and work backwards to enroute, to departure and departure airport. Which lead to his next question 91.169(c) filing an alternate. 600-2 and 800-2 along with airports with no instrument approaches and when to descend 91.169(c)(2). He asked about lost comms procedure with more focus on leave clearance limits 91.185(c)(3).

He talked about 7600 and 7700 squawk codes and how this would affect the 91.185(c)(3)(ii). To close out the oral portion he asked me about reporting points. Used IPATTEN and gave an example how to do it too, he asked when and/or where those need to be done. Also did miscellaneous reporting point, which I used APHRU. He had one correction for that. Referring to +/- 10 kts or 5% for power settings. We went over the CFII PTS to cover all the required flight portion.

We determined that we would need to do the following:

One precision, one non-precision, missed, hold, DME ARC, unusual attitudes, steep turns and partial panel which would satisfy area of operation IX. Once these items were established, we both walked out to the airplane and Joe watched me do my preflight. I did a full preflight like it was the first flight of the day. He then remind me of the positive exchange of flight controls. Started the plane and completed taxi checks. He had me pick up a TEC route from KCMA to KOXR so we can do the OXR ILS/LOC RWY 25 while the tower was still open.

After the run up, I set the GPS to help identify NELLY as FIM VORTAC was out of service. Took off and made a right turn to be vectored with point Mugu approach. Mugu APP gave us our missed instruction as soon as we got with them. Joe proceed to let them know we will be cancelling IFR after low approach but would like to remain with app for traffic advisories.

Joe would do some radio call but for the most part I had to do them. Shot the ILS app down to minimums went missed and then Joe proceed to vector me towards the ocean. Over the water he had me teach unusual attitudes. We then headed towards the CMA VOR, he asked to teach a DME arc. Once I taught my way through that he had me teach a hold over the CMA VOR and his only request to that was it had to be a teardrop entry. Did the entry and half a lap in the hold after that Joe had me do steep turns under the hood, in one direction(left). Got back with Mugu App and Picked up vectors for the RNAV GPS Y 26 into KCMA. During the vectors I had time to set up the GPS all the while he “failed my attitude and directional gyro. Shot the app partial panel and he taught me a no light landing. Proceed to taxi back to transient parking. On the debrief for the flight and the whole check ride, he let me know that need to use specific number for climbs, descent, heading degrees and airspeeds instead of little power/more power, little correction to the left and right. He mention about putting flaps in so far the RWY in Cessna.

Andrew L – CFII