Pilot Stories

A few months a go, I wanted to see about learning to fly. I called, made an appointment for a “discovery flight”, and then signed up to learn to fly. Last Saturday (1/28/17) I flew my first solo. It was...
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Growing up, I took an interest in flying and airplanes, and learning to fly has been something I’ve always wanted to pursue, but did not know if I could find the time to do so. A couple years ago, though,...
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I was quite lucky to find clear skies and calm winds the morning of my check ride. All of the hard work that me and my flight instructor had put forth was about to be tested and, admittedly, I was...
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Having flown years ago and always thought of getting back up, our veteran pilot Dub decided it was time to take to the skies again. We were glad to make him a Hollywood Ace that day!
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